移民法最新更改自2010年7月1日起,New SOL職業清單所列職業開始適用,其中具有幾項特色:1. 新清單共有181個職業,而舊清單上則有408個職業2. 這個新的職業清單是依照ANZSCO要求標準3. 廚師,美髮師,印刷設計師都已經在新的SOL清單上消失4. 醫學及護理專業,會計師,工程師,牙模技師,汽 修,木工,空調,焊接工,飛機維修工程師和建築相關專業繼續留在清單上如果國際學生們已經在今年2月8日已持有洗碗機485簽證 或是已經送出485簽證,並且在2012年12月 31日前提出永居移民申請或是目前已經送出永居移民申請的話,將不受這個新SOL清單影響,移民局審核標準以舊法 審核。移民局對於這個新SOL清單採取一個過度條款(Transitional arrangements):今年2月8日當日持有572,573,574這三種學生簽證的同學 們,如果在2012年12月31日以前完成學業,並且遞上485簽證申請,那麼將可以舊的職業清 單咖啡機為依據。The SOL in existence prior to 1 July 2010 in ANZSCO code (schedule 2) – applies to GSM applicants who are eligible for transitional arrangements and who lodge their application before 1 January 2013. This list also applies to applicants who held a student visa in subclasses 572, 573 and 574 on 8 February 2010 and who apply for subclass 485 visa on or before 冷凍冷藏冰箱31 December 2012.澳洲移民局在2010年5月17日公佈新的技術移民職業清單 (New SOL),許多同學已聯繫我們查詢相關的影響。  Linda總結了 以下幾個重點: - 新的技術移民職業清單似乎只涉及到獨立技術移民簽證類別。New SOL 可以被解釋為新的緊缺名單 (New MODL) 。這清單中的職業是目前澳洲短缺的專業,申請人在沒有雇主或州 政府擔保的情況下,澳洲鼎曜餐飲設備政府仍歡迎這些專業人士進入澳洲。  - 很明顯雇主擔保職業清單 ENSOL 不會改變 — 這意味著雇主能擔保的職業人低於 500種。 - 看來,州政府擔保的職業清單將在 2010的後半年公佈,普遍預期 州政府擔保的職業清單將是New SOL以外的專業。所以還是得等 待下半年度公佈的職業清單。  總之,雖然澳洲移民局已公佈新的技術移民職業清單,但仍有許多 問題需要答案,其花店中包括哪些行業將被列入州政府擔保的專業,以及技術移民分數算法 這些目前都正在審查中。Following the announcement on the 17th/5/2010 of the new SOL (Skilled Occupation List) by DIAC, many students have been in contact querying my view on the related impact that this had on the trade sector. Following several of these discussions, I have been able to summarize what the 關鍵字changes mean for trade-skilled clients and these findings are as follows:It appears that the new SOL seems to only relate to the Independent visa categories indicating that the new SOL could be interpreted as the ‘new MODL’  – the list of occupations that are in shortage Australia-wide and the Government are willing for these candidates to 網站優化continue entering Australia without sponsorship.   It is apparent that the ENSOL (Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List) is not changing – that means that there is just under 500 occupations listed where employers can sponsor candidates.   It appears that the State/Territory 搜尋行銷Nomination occupation list will be released in the second half of 2010 and it is widely expected that the State Migration Plans will include occupations outside those specified on the new SOL.  Whilst this means an additional wait is encouraged.   In summary, it appears that whilst the DIAC announcement has 澎湖民宿answered some questions, there are still others that remain unanswered which include what occupations will be included on State sponsorship lists and also the associated points test that is currently under review Email:

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